Espaņol Italiano Deutsch 2022.01.24/2024.05.01 ROOT Homepage About us Site Map Origin of the ancient gods 2360 BD Stonehenge The intentional creation of a Deluge or Flood ERROR The Fallen Angels Eve Primordial or prebiotic soup The ridiculous theory of the red giant The invented middle ages The extinction of the dinosaurs due to the impact of a meteorite Two thermo nuclear thruster from Pierluigi Peruzzi The Egyptians Boarding Dendera 6347 - high wing airplane The Mayan Bishop Diego de Landa Big image from tombstone The Mayan Astronaut from Palenque The Disc of Chinkultic Mayan numbers from 1 to 100 Mayan numbers from 1 to 360 Examples of Mayan numbers List of Mayan and Aztec gods The Romans Roman numerals from 1 to 100 The origin of humans Titan, moon of Saturn as origin of humans? One drop of our sea water The wrong planet for humans The forbidden knowledge of heaven Sumerian The Nippur Tablet and the Flood Nibiru, the Annunaki & Titan Enuma Elish text Implausible History Is Alexander the Great a character from a novel Christian religion The ascension of christ Was Jesus Christ in Mexico? The christian rebirth or reincarnation Satan